(A Postgraduate College: B.Ed. & M.Ed.)

Message from Secretary

In the emerging highly competitive world, there is obvious need to produce dynamic minds who can adapt to the changing scenario and complex situation and are innovative enough to face the diverse challenges effectively. The Magadh College of Education (MCE) is also conscious of its social responsibility in strengthening India’s roots i.e. the youth. Today the career is no longer clearly defined. Young boys and girls are at the thresh-hold of their carrier where they can make important decision to choose a course as a stepping stone for future. Of course, it is a tough situation but it is no less tough to decide the Institution whose standard of teaching is outstanding and exemplary in determining where one choose to study the course of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.).

Since the mission of the Magadh College of Education (MCE) is to impart quality education, it constantly strives to attract good faculty, good students, provides good infrastructure and purposeful environment in the institution. The Magadh College of Education (MCE), in fact, continues to look for excellence in every aspect of its activities to develop the teacher-students into leaders of tomorrow who will make name not only for themselves but also for their Institution and nation.

I take pleasure in welcoming all those young boys and girls aspiring to excel, in the years ahead, to join Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) course as appropriate to their mission requirements. The Principal and teachers will be happy to respond to your queries and provide other personal guidance to the aspirants.

Sanjeev Kumar
Secretary, MCE Gaya